Monday, 7 May 2012

Let's start with the heart

On the wall in my studio is a gilt-framed anatomical picture of the heart, red, blue, yellowing, clear. The pump. A muscle. Mapped out. Bloodless.  It used to hang in my bedroom. It's been out and about on tour. And now it's here on the wall in my studio in Deptford.  I'm wondering what it will see me doing in here... in this smallish space... mostly alone... day by day...
Perhaps stuff like:
Thinking, Making, Doing, Dreaming, Sleeping, Surfing, Sitting...
Writing. Drinking, Drawing, Cutting, Capturing, Carving, Printing.
Image credit: Nicolas Brodard
Things not yet thought of.
Making hands.
And boring stuff like reciepts. Phonecalls. Skype. Budgets. Lists.
Lots of lists. With things ticked off.
And Art.
Lets hope (!)
There at the centre.
The point of it all.
Some making, thinking and doing of


Okey cokey.
Deep breath.
Fingers crossed...


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