Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Ramble 2 - Done and Dusted

Ramble 2  - Rings Loops and Doublebacks was shown at Undercurrent  April 11-13 including two great performances by the St Mary de Haura Handbell ringers. They performed a carefully selected set of five songs on both the 12th and 13th at midday which was as follows: 

The Ashgrove, The Oak and the Ash, Green Bushes, Oranges and Lemons, St Peter and St Paul

The sound was really exquisite.  Ethereal at moments... And moving... I don't think this will be the last time I work with handbell ringers! I will post some photos of them in action soon.
So how had the installation changed from the work in progress version of the piece?  Well...

- Scott and I reworked the sound loops.
- The tree got bigger.
- Some special holders for the speakers were made (so the golden horn literally slotted into them).
- The room which they were presented in was carefully 'dressed'.
- The Memento packet changed a little.
- The large bit of text I wrote (almost and artistic rationale for the piece) was presented on a kind of stand.
- More gloves had embroidered flowers sewn onto them (thanks mum!)

And, well... I think that's the headline changes.  There were more of course... 

Hopefully the piece will get out and about again at some point. Ramble 1 has two new dates coming up so I'm sure it will.

For now here's a few images of the piece:

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